Browse here for posts related to all aspects of my writing life including
events, news, travel, research, mythology, and musings.
Friday: Words From Faerie
A few words from one of my favourite urban fantasy authors: When he came to a second-hand bookshop and cafe, he hesitated outside. Human meeting places made him uneasy. It was an old building, of worn red brick, with high arched windows that overlooked the river....
Friday: Words from Faerie
"Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." GK Chesterton
Neil Gaiman and the Dark Side
I love this Neil Gaiman quote. You can tell children dark stories "as long as you tell them that you can be smart, and you can be brave, and you can be tricky, and you can be plucky, and you can keep going." Read Maria Popova's commentary on Neil Gaiman's Reimagined...
Travel-Inspired Fiction
As I paint the finishing gloss on To Charm a Killer, my mind drifts back to its creation. I can't remember how the whole story came together--there were many edits, revisions, and transformations along the way. But, I do know some things. In the beginning, a girl was...
Illustrations for Book Lovers
Some beautiful illustrations of fairytales via Kristen Tardowski... Many thanks, Kristen:) Though writers paint pictures with words, actual images can enhance books in surprising and poignant ways. As a collector of children’s books and as someone who is very...
Banned and Challenged Books
We need to find ourselves in books, in characters, in themes, in situations, in thoughts, in fantasies. via Kids explain how banned and challenged books helped them and even saved their lives / Boing Boing