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events, news, travel, research, mythology, and musings.
A Gold Satin Debra . . . wait . . . A Gold Satin Murder
I'm excited to introduce you to my friend and fellow mystery/crime writer, Debra Purdy Kong and her latest crime fiction. If I remember correctly, the "gold satin" has something to do with a thong. My my! I met Debra a few years ago at a Crime Writers of Canada event...
25th Anniversary: On Coming to Live in Beautiful B.C.
This is a true story. Twenty-five years ago today, on July 10, 1997, we left our home in Ontario for a new life in British Columbia. At the time, I was working as a domestic abuse counsellor in a transition house in Oshawa, Ontario. Bethesda House is still there,...
Thoughts on Texturizing your Fiction
This is a wonderful article for any writer, and especially an author of historical fiction. Sharpen your quills. You'll be inspired. I promise. Thanks to Deborah L. Williams for her expertise....
Bringing History to Life
This book starts halfway through the ten-book Marc Edwards Mysteries series. I chose to read it first because it’s set in Upper Canada 1838, and I’m sliding into that time myself to do some historical research for a family history. Published in 2013 by Touchstone,...
Elements of Indigenous Style. Gregory Younging
The subtitle of Elements of Indigenous Style is A Guide for Writing By and About Indigenous Peoples. I read this book to learn what is appropriate and what is not, as the two fiction books I’m now writing include references to Indigenous Peoples and are set on...
Sci-Fi Saturday Night—Love These Guys
I do a fair amount of podcasts, tv and radio shows, but Sci-Fi Saturday Night is up there at the top of my list. I've been waiting all summer to get back on this show. I think it's because a) the hosts, Dome and Cam, read my books (even in the wrong order) and b) they...