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In Celebration of Trees

In Celebration of Trees

Source: Home This is one of the best blogs I've seen. Nick Rowan (he even has a tree name) is the Treeographer. He's also a traveller, woodworker, and a wonderful writer. The Treeographer is my attempt to bring my enthusiasm for trees to others – not by evoking guilt...

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Wilderness Dweller

Wilderness Dweller

This woman, Chris Czajkowski, is one of my heroes. For thirty years, she's lived off the grid alone in the wilderness with dogs for company, built her own cabins, and written her books. I thought of Chris tonight as I was reading Farley Mowatt's classic, Lost in the...

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The Power of Trees

The Power of Trees

Trees are powerful sentient beings who help mankind and ask for no reward, which is why this garden of trees is so fitting a memorial. Each tree in the Ringfinnan Garden of Remembrance grows for and bears the name of one firefighter or first responder lost during...

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Thoreau’s September Moon

Thoreau’s September Moon

What if one moon has come and gone with its world of poetry, its weird teachings, its oracular suggestions? So divine a creature, freighted with hints for me, and I not use her! One moon gone by unnoticed! Suppose you attend to the hints, to the suggestions, which the...

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Egyptian Queen Nefertiti

Egyptian Queen Nefertiti

via Photoshop Animation Reconstructs The Face Of Egyptian Queen Nefertiti This is a fascinating post from Realm of History that offers us the faces of King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti via facial reconstruction and photoshop animation. There are actually two videos....

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