
Browse here for posts related to all aspects of my writing life including

events, news, travel, research, mythology, and musings.

Crafting a Short Story

Crafting a Short Story

For several years, I taught English in high school. I'm not a short story writer, though I did write one for a contest last year. I like a larger canvas that I can sink inside. But, what follows is one of the lessons I used to share with my students on how to write a...

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How to Format a Book-sized PDF on a MAC

How to Format a Book-sized PDF on a MAC

Indie publishing is an adventure. It also comes with a steep learning curve and can cause all manner of frustration and back-aches as you sit at the computer for hours cursing and sighing, and occasionally cheering when you finally get something right. I've become...

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Stephen King as Mentor

Stephen King as Mentor

Reading Stephen King’s 1991 article “The Symbolic Language of Dreams" blissed out my writer's spirit--that seed deep in my soul that ruptures occasionally when watered with shivering truth. This phenomenon occurs too rarely and signalled that the man had something to...

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Memories of Nootka Lighthouse

Memories of Nootka Lighthouse

Four years ago, I was working as a relief lighthouse keeper for the Canadian Coast Guard. I'd taken a year off teaching to explore and destress and try something new. Between March 27 and May 23, I stayed at Nootka and recorded my adventures, and misadventures, in a...

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Standout Books offer consistently good writing articles. I found this one particularly interesting since my characters endure their fair share of injuries and someone usually ends up dead. How do you make it real? via What You Need To Know About Writing Injuries

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Books & More Books

Books & More Books

When I saw this funky bookshop on Twitter yesterday, I decided to find it. As if by magic (which no doubt it was) I discovered Iron Dog Books parked in front of Moody Ales this afternoon. They were there supporting AJ Devlin. Jeremy and I have done a couple of...

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