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Mediumship #1
I’m beginning my research on a new novel by delving into the world of mediums. I started with Bridging Two Realms by John Holland, a practicing psychic medium who is well respected. What Holland offers in his latest book (2018) is triple-fold. First, Holland offers...
Loving…Mary Oliver Oliver is one of my favourite poets. We read her words and adore her, but what do we really know? This article by Maria Popova is so beautiful, I just had to share it. via Mary Oliver on What Attention Really Means and Her Moving Elegy for Her Soul Mate – Brain...
“In Search of Doors” by V.E. Schwab
The Genesis of Modern Fantasy? Thoughts on Fantasy you will find fantasy novels that helped to shape the genre. The Hobbit, of course, has become a classic, as has The Sword in the Stone. But have you read any others? Do you have a favourite? via Popular 1930s and 40s Fantasy Novels | Thoughts...
Owen Laukkanen and the SiWC
Owen Laukkanen. I was one of the lucky writers who managed to sneak into a "blue pencil" session with Owen because had a cancellation, and we had a brilliant conversation and a few laughs. But, Owen also told me what worked and where I could prolong the tension to...
Why We Believe in Magic: Philip Pullman there is one thing I do believe in, it is the power of magic and imagination. Here, Philip Pullman, author of the "His Dark Materials" series, offers an essay on magic vs reason and the power of the imagination. The Limits of Reason: Why we Believe in Magic