The topic of Self or Independent Publishing has been coming up frequently for me lately. In fact, I’m sitting on a panel for Toronto’s East End Writers Group on May 26. They’re celebrating their 20th Anniversary and invited me to participate as an Indie author, something I consider quite an honour. That invite got me thinking about my own journey. I’ve been publishing my books independently since 2010, although not seriously until 2016. I’ve learned everything by trial and error and hope to share some of that with you.
Let me start by saying two things. One, I’m a Canadian author and this post will reflect that. I don’t know how things work in other parts of the world for Indie authors. Two, I don’t like the term “self published” because there is still a stigma attached to it. Some people assume your work can’t be good because you can’t find someone to publish it. This might be true, but it’s not always the case. Often, editing is an issue. If you can’t afford a good editor at least use a software program like Pro-Writing Aid to flag your errors. I hire a developmental editor but do the final line edits myself using Moira, my Irish text-speech woman. As I listen to Moira read out loud, I read along and make corrections. Then, I create a mobi file and read the whole book on my Kindle stopping to note errors in longhand. If you continually read the same draft on your computer, your brain just glosses over the error time and time again. Please do not publish a book with grammatical and typing errors. This is how self-publishing got a bad name to begin with. Having said that, I read many traditionally published books which have been through editors and still have small errors. So don’t feel bad if you miss something here or there. If you’re self-publishing you can go back and fix those errors.
Though I’m using both terms in this post, I prefer the term Indie publish as it has more panache and a tad more clout. Here are a few pluses and minuses to Indie publishing:
-Some awards and contests are only open to traditionally published authors which feels discriminatory to me. “We’re all the same but we’re different?” +There are separate awards now for Independent Publishers such as Whistler Independent Book Awards and Independent Publisher Book Awards. You, as the author/publisher, will pay fees to enter but I think it’s worthwhile, especially if you win.
-Most grants are inaccessible to Indie authors. For example, Canada Council Art grants are only awarded to publishers who pay royalties and publish four trade books per year. Canada Book Fund grants go to publishers who are financially viable. So if you’re looking to make a living as a self-published author you might need to expand your thinking and your business. +If you join the Writers Union of Canada, you may be able to apply for provincial grants and find other ways to boost your income.
-I hear from many authors that they HATE marketing. Know this: if you publish with a traditional publisher you are expected to market your book, but as an Indie publisher you MUST market your book all on your own. Creative brain, Editing/Formatting Brain, and Marketing Brain all work differently. To be a successful Indie author you need to be an administrator and entrepreneur as well as an artist.
The bottom line: if you have a good book and you want to get it out in print, sell to family, friends, and the occasional stranger, self-publishing is an easy enough process and can be quite rewarding. Book publishing is a gamble no matter what you do and who knows? Your book might be THE ONE that suddenly takes off!
I embarked on my Indie publishing journey with an Irish-Canadian urban fantasy novel looking as green as a shamrock. Over the years, I’ve learned a few things that might help you get started.
Getting Started
When writing fiction, there are a couple of ways to decide WHAT to write. One, target specific agents and publishers and write what THEY want so you can query them later and try to sell them your finished work, knowing that what you wrote is on their wish list. Two, write what YOU want and look for a home for your finished book later. As an intuitive writer, rather than a logical thinking writer, I chose the second route. Well, I didn’t really choose it. I was teaching full time and just wanted to escape and play with my characters. I never thought I’d write a series or become serious about being an author, although once I embarked on this journey, I did want to see my book in print.
During the initial stages of drafting, I presented to a New York agent at the Surrey International Writers Conference (SiWC) — which is by far the best writing conference around — and she said my idea was too predictable.
Tip: Go to conferences. Learn the craft. Sit down with agents and publishers. Ask questions. Practice and pitch and listen to what they have to say. Don’t get defensive or disregard. They’re not always right but often are as they know what’s selling. Mull their advice, and then do what feels right for you.
I went home, created a Wicca coven to cloak my too-predictable killer and interwove the two stories. I obviously did it well because I often hear in my reviews that readers couldn’t decide who the killer was. I called the book To Charm a Killer and when it was finished, I sent it to a few publishers. I had interest from one but then he disappeared — people seem to move around in the publishing world — and I got a handful of rejections. Since I write cross-genre (urban fantasy/murder mystery/thriller) this is not surprising. Agents and editors want something they can fit neatly into their marketing schemes so it will sell. Agencies even have drop-down menus where you only get to tick one genre!
Tip: A handful of agents and publishers is not enough to query. You need to be rejected by tens and hundreds to join the Rejected Authors Club. You’ll be in good company there along with Madeline L’Engle, J.K. Rowling, Richard Adams, Alex Haley, James Patterson, Agatha Christie, and William Golding to name a few rejected greats.
To make matters worse, I was writing under an unpronounceable pen name — Charra Rede — because I was still teaching high school and didn’t want my students or their parents to know their English teacher wrote sexy books.
“I’m writing a book.”
“Oh yeah. What’s it called?”
“I can’t tell you.”
This is not a good marketing strategy. Still, I was excited and dying to get that book into print—even though I was only telling trusted friends. I decided to publish it myself.
Tip: When you publish be ready to hold up that book and smile for the cameras! So much work goes into writing a book you want to be proud of it and ready to “come out” fully as an author. Pen names are fine. Just be willing to go out and market your work under that name.
Print-On-Demand (POD)
Some people are happy to self-publish their ebook and upload to the major sites. Personally, I like reading print books so I also create and sell them. There are platforms who will produce your print book for a price: Lulu Press, BookBaby, Amazon’s KDP Print, and Draft2Digital Print are the main print-on-demand (POD) players. You send them your completed manuscript, front and back matter, and cover art. They manufacture your book and you buy POD copies from them which you can sign and sell. Some also offer distribution.
Tip: Do your research. Read what each one offers and demands in compensation. Compare prices and percentages. Read reviews.
First Edition
In 2010, I published To Charm a Killer by Charra Rede via An artist friend created the cover art which is quite striking. I did the writing and editing myself. Lulu did everything else. It cost me $600-$700 and I sold a few copies to friends. You’ll still see this cover on Goodreads and Amazon because they refuse to take down old books. There are even some great reviews! This route might work well for you.
I just costed out this same book on Lulu’s print rates for paperback and it’s around $7.65/copy US which is about par. If they’re doing all the preliminary set-up you’re going to pay fees on top of that. Be mindful, not to get taken advantage of by what we call “vanity presses” who charge several thousand dollars. Here is a great article that explains the difference between companies who help you publish and vanity presses.
In part two of his post, I’ll talk about other roads to Indie Publishing and what I do now. Please add your questions to the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them.
I LOVE this interview in Uncaged Magazine! When I first saw “uncaged” I was sure the magazine was about pets! Wild pets! So, I managed to make my feature about writing AND my dog as she is such an integral part of my writing life. My author feature starts on page 54 but there’s also a pet feature on page 52. What fun! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.
Thanks to Debbi Elliott for her wonderful photos of Skaha and me. The photo at the top of Croghan Hill in Ireland was taken by my daughter after we climbed the hill featured in the story To Kill a King! Special thanks to Mickey Mikkelson for getting me this feature. It was the one I asked for the first time we talked.
Watching this clip makes me tear up. This is what happens when you write a man’s story and spend years researching and getting to know him. Falling in love with your characters is something we all hope to do.
In To Kill a King, I tell the story of Old Croghan Man and the witches who travel back in time to Iron Age Ireland to save their friend, archaeologist Sorcha O’Hallorhan.
“Her fingers flew to the butterfly tattooed on the back of her neck. Her friend, Yasaman, had designed it for her when she finished grad school. It was her symbol of freedom. Sorcha never wanted to be a professor bound to lecture halls—all she ever craved were the wild places and their stories. Now she was deep inside Ruairí’s story. Sometimes the butterfly brought her joy; other times, inspiration . . . but always a sense of hope. And she needed all three in this moment for her heart was breaking to see her man so broken.”
Sorcha just wanted to warn Ruairí of his fate until she saw him and fell in love. How could she leave him to be ritually murdered and cast in a bog to cure for two thousand years?
Though he’s lost and grieving the loss of his lover, when Estrada realizes his fiery friend, Sorcha O’Hallorhan, is trapped in Iron Age Ireland, he demands that Cernunnos take him and Dylan back through time to rescue her. The Horned God obliges but states the rules: you cannot change history or develop bonds with anyone. How can Sorcha, the spirited archaeologist, survive this prehistoric warrior culture? Assuming she’s fey, Ruairí’s unscrupulous rival wants her power; but worse still, Ruairí’s lover, the wicked Crow Queen, wants her dead.
Can Estrada use his Wiccan powers and magician’s skills to defeat these Iron Age Druids and bring his friends home without changing history?
A spin-off of To Sleep with Stones, Book Four tells the story of archaeologist Sorcha O’Hallorhan’s deepest desire. Watch for this romantic, time-traveling, prehistoric thriller today and find out what it takes To Kill a King.
COMING MARCH 21, 2021!
#time-travel romance #Irish historical romance #historical fantasy thriller
This Old Golden Land is a book about Orkney written by Helen and Mark Woodsford-Dean of Spiritual Orkney. Helen is a British archaeologist who fell in love with Orkney over several visits and moved there permanently. Helen provides, not only the archaeological perspective with the expertise of an experienced and knowledgeable tour guide, but also includes her own journalistic musings and, at some points, a window into her soul. She is a mystic and poet, as well as a scientist. I did not always agree with her opinions, but she did make me think.
The book is subtitled “An Alternative Orkney Guidebook for Spiritual Seekers, Mystics, and Pilgrims.” I most definitely fit into the latter three categories and was intrigued by the book when I heard my favourite Druid teacher, Philip Carr-Gomm, read passages from it during “Tea with a Druid #146.” I ordered it from Helen and Mark, who self-published it, and it came, inscribed, a couple of weeks later, all the way from their home in Orkney. I read it right away and added my own musings. One suggestion I have for the authors if they do another print run is this: use a bigger darker font. The book is packed full of information and beautiful photographs but the font is too small for these old eyes, even with my thick reading glasses and I found I was straining to read it in bed (which is where I do most of my best book reading.)
Helen writes: “In many ways, Orkney is the golden land. There’s a strange light here. We’re at 59 degrees north, so the sun never gets directly overhead, not even at midday in midsummer; we nearly always have the sun at an angle and that gives us the oddest light. This light is desired by artists and photographers — they flock here . . . “
My Orkney Saga
Indeed. I traveled with my friend Jackie to Orkney in August 2009 for our “Men in Kilts” tour and experienced the old spiritual sites in this golden land. We rented a car at Glasgow Airport and drove up through the Inner Hebrides (where To Sleep with Stones is set), across the Highlands, and then to the far north coast of Scotland where we caught a ferry to these incredible islands. We stayed in Stromness and Kirkwall while on the Orkney Mainland where most of the big stones stand. Then, we caught another ferry that took us all the way north to Sanday.
Orkney has only been under Scotland’s jurisdiction since the 15th Century. After the Indigenous people (Picts) were — I’m not sure what word to use here as it describes a history much like what happened to Indigenous people all over the world particularly in my country, Canada, and twists my gut — overtaken by Norway, Orkney was Norse for about 700 years. This affected the language, dialect, and place names which evolved from Old Norse. When you walk the streets of a town like Stromness, the feel is definitely Scandinavian, not Scottish. Sadly, there were no men in kilts except the tour bus driver we encountered in Kirkwall; although I swear I saw the girls from Doc Martin walking down the narrow street.
The people are wonderful and the land beautiful. Golden. We went to Orkney Angora and I bought hand-dyed angora yarn from the woman who raises the rabbits, spins the wool, and runs the shop. We saw cows. Lots of cows. We went to the Italian Church built by WWII prisoners of war. We went to an amazing ice cream shop in the middle of nowhere, except that it was somewhere. And we adored the stones.
The Ring of Brodgar
One of the sites that impressed me most was the Ring of Brodgar. This four-thousand-year old Neolithic circle is one of the largest in the British isles. It currently has thirty-six stones of a possible sixty, twenty-seven of which are still standing. When we arrived there in July at the height of tourist seasons, there were few people there and, as is often the case, after traveling from British Columbia all the way to Orkney, who do we meet but a woman from Vancouver! The circle faces northeast which is the direction in which the sun rises at Summer Solstice. It is enchanting.
Helen says that if you stand in the centre of the ring and speak normally, anyone with their back touching a stone can hear you as if they’re standing right beside you. Is that magical or what? I would have liked to experience that when we were there! Unfortunately, that’s not possible. The centre is a sensitive area and off limits. But think what this meant to the Neolithic people! Did they build this effect into the structure? If you happen to know why and how this phenomenon occurs, please leave a comment to explain. I’m quite blown away by this. I mean, what would happen if someone chanted or drummed in the centre? Could it create an altered state of consciousness? I want to experience this.
Skara Brae
Another famous site is Skara Brae. It was uncovered in the 1850s when a storm swept it free of the sand dunes that had hidden it for who knows how long. Archaeologists believe it was constructed over a period of six hundred years while it was in use, beginning around five thousand years ago. It is very much a seaside stone community. It was excavated by archaeologist Gordon Childe (1928-1930) and Clark in the 1970s. Helen says that the First People who lived here in these houses did so for about three hundred years and produced middens of domestic waste. During the three-hundred-year phase, the people built covered passages through the middens that connected about ten houses. Can you imagine walking through a covered stone passageway to your friend’s house five thousand years ago? Maybe taking a bowl of oyster and crab chowder to your grandmother? There are rock beds and rock dressers or altars, sunken stone and clay-lined refrigerators. It’s also been hypothesized that Skara Brae was not a cluster of familial homes at all, but a spiritual space for pagan magician/priests to meditate, something akin to a Neolithic monastery. But who really knows?
A year ago, during meditation, I conversed with a spirit who may have come from this place. At least, I believe he did. This is what I heard and wrote.
He began dramatically with this: “enfolding, folding in on itself like a flower that dies after its bloom, your earth is disappearing into the void slowly.” As apocalyptic as that sounds, he went on to say his name was Siarba (it sounded like Sharpa but I saw it written as Siarba.) He was once a shaman, healer, builder of the stones. “You are right when you see the stone houses. They are ours. We traveled up and down the coastline. We built houses. We lived, weathered the storms and winds of the seas, raised our children, ate the fish, smoked the seaweed to see things when the moon was full, rattled shells and blew the horns of the sea gods. I loved you.”
When? “When the earth was fresh and clean and not folding in on herself. When the birds sang of stories and told us where to find the fish. When the whales came. When the world was plenty and love was full like the moon.”
Where? “There (I envisioned Skara Brae) and when the wind came and the sea raged we walked south crossing waters. Moving, always moving, thousands of your years. But there is no time once you surpass the physical and move into spirit. Don’t fear it. The earth changes but spirit does not and in the ever-growing darkness there is light and love.”
Helen writes of a term called “contagion” — not the kind of contagion we think of during a pandemic, but a different kind. This contagion is an archaeological term that refers to the “spread of power or energy through the senses.” Basically, when generations live in the same place, ancestral power and energy are transmitted through the land. I like this. I know this. Dylan McBride reveals this in To Sleep with Stones.
Sometimes, when we are open and walk the land we sense this power and energy. This love for the land transcends time and space, transcends generations. It is ever-flowing energy. We might touch a stone or shell or other artifact and feel it like a rush or ripple up our arm. Put our hands in the earth or sea and feel alive and empowered. It is one of the reasons, spiritual pilgrims walk the land barefoot and meditate in sacred sites. It is one of the reasons people go to the wild places to heal and pray for miracles. Why they pick up stones and shells and bits of driftwood as they wander.
Almost everywhere I’ve traveled, I’ve picked up stones that called to me and brought them home. In Sanday, the farthest island north, I found a perfect sand dollar on the white sand beach. Yes, Sanday has blue water, white sand beaches, and very few people. We stayed in a charming cottage there and breathed sea breezes that refreshed our souls.
I will go back and stay longer. I will go back and ask Helen to take me on a tour behind the scenes to experience ritual and the magic of this golden land. If you are considering the same, please do connect with her and buy a copy of her book before you go. You can find more information here. Tell her I sent you.
Stromness Kitty
Skara Brae showing covered passages
The Doc Martin Girls from Stromness
I love the Standing Stones
The Ring of Brodgar
Heather at the Ring of Brodgar
The sea is never far away.
The view from our B&B on Sanday
There be cows. I love cows. And do they ever know how to intimidate you. Look at that stance and stare!
Blue water and white sand beaches on Surprising Sanday
Call Helen. Go there. See for yourself. This is a magical land . . . a golden land.
When you come across a good website, it’s best to save it somehow. I was in search of a word — that term that explains when an arrow is placed on the bowstring ready for flight. It’s called nocking.
What Kaitlin says here is very important. If you’re writing about something you don’t know much about, you must defer to the experts. Use the right terminology, watch some videos to get a feel, and if you have the opportunity try it yourself. Nothing beats personal experience, but articles like this are helpful.