Blue Pencil Readings

Blue Pencil Readings

I’m offering Blue Pencil Readings at this wonderful event! Come shop and talk about your writing with a professional author.

The Times: December 7 & January 11 between 11am-2pm.

The Place: Reflections Bookstore. Bring your ideas and two-three pages of polished writing. Email Wendy at to book your free twenty-minute spot.

In Celebration of Local Authors

In Celebration of Local Authors

White Pines Launch Gala Invitaton

Do you ever wonder how many writers are in your community?

This is a perfect way to find out. Join us in celebrating the new White Pines Collection.

I will be reading a brief, family-safe scene from To Render a Raven (I know they’re hard to find in my books.) Books will be available to borrow!

I love that the library is supporting local authors. Come and celebrate along with us. Please let me know if you can come or RSVP with the library. 




Creative Ink!

Creative Ink!

As I sit here watching the snow fall—yet again—in Vancouver, I’m hopeful. Spring is coming, and I’m gearing up for another Writer’s Conference. Every year, I go to the SiWC at the end of October, and then I wait and wait and wait. Writing is a solitary activity—just me and my dog and my laptop, and the odd online writing sprint I can manage in between. But this year, I’ve discovered a new local conference at half-time!

Creative Ink!

Creative Ink is only a few weeks away—the last weekend in March! Hurray! After a winter of rain and snow and cold, the promise of writer camaraderie injects me with inspiration.

I’m feeling green and ready to grow!

Several writers, I met at SiWC will be there and many are presenting. I’ve been hanging out with them online doing writerly things at The Creative Academy, and am excited to make a physical connection (AKA sharing stories over a glass of wine;). I also have some very excited meetings lined up.

Kelley Armstrong!

Dyrai1AUUAADQpXKelley is a prolific CANADIAN writer who writes in my genres, more or less—mystery, thriller, and urban fantasy. I’m thrilled to be in her master class and can’t wait to hear her speak. Check out the ad below—you can still sign up for her master class!  I also have a Blue Pencil Session with her, meaning she will sit with me, read a couple of pages of my work, and give me some tips. I’ve reviewed her first three Rockton thrillers for the Ottawa Review of Books and I’m  reading her latest, Watcher in the Woods, right now!


Jonas Saul!

I also have a Red Pencil Session with thriller writer, Jonas Saul. It’s red, rather than blue, because I have to send three pages ahead of time. Jonas will take his red pencil to my writing and inject it with blood? passion? error marks? Oh my! Red pencils conjure all kinds of images.

Sylvia Taylor!

I’m also sitting down for a chat with Sylvia Taylor. There’s just too much to write about Sylvia Taylor. Read her “about” page to get some inkling of what she does.

I think it’s incredibly generous of authors to give their time and expertise to other authors. It’s something that makes conferences like this GOLDEN! The presenters are all writers who volunteer their time to make it happen. Creative Ink is held at the Delta Hotel, Burnaby, and there is still space.

Here’s the full scoop on Creative Ink!