Book II of Magie Stiefvater’s “Raven Cycle” series brings us closer to Ronan Lynch and his family secrets. We learn more about his homelife and gifts, his mother’s condition, and his father’s murder. Ronan is an eccentric character. Traumatized by finding his father murdered, he seems violent, yet he has a caring side that is revealed in various ways throughout the series.

Imagine being able to design an object in your dream and bring it back to your waking life and into this physical reality. This is Ronan’s gift—his secret. Chainsaw, the strange raven creature that travels on his shoulder is one of his dream creations. Knowing that he can create living creatures raises the stakes, and we wonder who or what else he has created in his dreams. Are there other dreamers like him? Is this a gift or a curse? Ronan is the Greywaren.

A new character appears—Joseph Kavinski—as Ronan’s antagonist. I hate Kavinski . . . just sayin.

Blue Sargent has become one of the Raven Boys, and the group continues to search the magical Cabeswater for the dead Welsh king, Glendower, as emotions spiral. Blue’s psychic mother, Maura, and the mysterious Gray Man grow closer while Blue tries to sort out her feelings. Does she love Adam Parrish or Gansey? And how can she be with either of them when both obviously have feelings for her, are best friends, and are part of the same group? And then there’s that whole prophecy about her killing her first kiss. This is typical teenage trauma with a supernatural twist.

We also learn more about Richard Campbell Gansey III in this book as we attend one of his mother’s political soirees at their Washington, DC mansion. Lowly Adam Parrish attends with Gansey and disappears (but that’s another story.)

I know I’ll come back to these books time and again. Why hasn’t someone made them into a TV series yet?

Ronan is the subject of various fan art. His obsessive personality lends itself to that.