In the dark days of winter everyone needs fire and light.
This is my Winter Solstice gift to you:
From Dec 20 – Dec 22, I am offering To Charm a Killer for FREE as an ebook on Amazon. Please re-gift this post to your friends!
You can find it here if you’re in Canada, or through my Author Page
If you’re a fast reader, you might even be able to join the characters for Winter Solstice!

This beautiful fertile valley, that we call the Boyne, has housed the Irish people for millennia. This tomb itself is part of a Necropolis, a cluster of tombs, where the farmers interred the ashes of their dead, once a year at this time. When the sun rises over the ridge of the valley, its rays hit the roof box just above the entrance stone, creep down the passageway, and illuminate the inner chamber.
Winter Solstice is a time of resurrection. In the darkest days of winter, the sun brings a promise of light.

solstice-dec22-10Click here to learn more about Winter Solstice at Newgrange, Ireland