Friday: Words From Faerie
In the veils between the worlds, I remember the fairy folk who guard the ancient places. May we walk lightly and with courtesy upon the earth, may no being stay their progress or block their path, so that the hidden household of the earth may be peaceful.
A prayer written by Caitlin Matthews, author, shaman, and Celtic folklorist. This is reprinted in her forward to The Real World of Fairies: A First Person Account by Dora Van Gelder, 1999
Originally from Caitlin Matthews, Celtic Devotional (New York: Crown, 1996).

2017 Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge
Since I write novels that revolve around a coven of witches who solve murders, I think it only fitting, that I sign up for this reading challenge through Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf. I will try to read at least ten witchy books and write one, as well.
If you are looking for a novel that includes a witch as a character, To Charm a Killer features several; as well as, rituals and spells, and a scattering of magic realism. This is the last day to download it for free at the Amazon kindle store.
Winter Solstice Blessings ~Wendy
via 2017 Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge Sign Up Post! – Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf

Witches in Scotland?
Witches in Scotland? Methinks I’ve heard that somewhere before…
What are these,
So wither’d and so wild in their attire,
That look not like th’ inhabitants o’ th’ earth,
And yet are on’t? Live you? or are you aught
That man may question? . . .
Macbeth (1.3.39-41).
First, religion was interwoven with the land and the people. Winter Solstice was a time to celebrate a return to light from the frosty dark of winter.
Then, there were killings prompted by greed and a surge of Christianity.
Now, we see a resurgence of pagans in Scotland.
via How Scotland’s witches will be celebrating their own version of Christmas this Wednesday night (From HeraldScotland)
How do you celebrate this festival of light?
Culling Your Collection: How to Get Rid of Books
It’s that time of year when we clear out the old to make way for the new. Here’s some practical advice from Kristen Twardowski on culling your books.
Book Release Day: “When We Go Missing”
Congratulations and best wishes to author Kristen Twardowski on the release of her novel!
Today is the day that I can officially say that I published a book. When We Go Missing, my debut novel, is live and available for purchase in print and e-book form on Amazon. (The e-book version is…
Source: Book Release Day: “When We Go Missing”