by Wendy Hawkin | Mar 25, 2017 | writing and publishing
Thank you Nicole @Live Life Reading for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I don’t usually partake in things like this, but because its WordPress, and I like this community, I’m in.
The Rules.
Say thank you to the person who has nominated you for the Award.
Answer the 11 questions the person has asked you
Nominate 11 people (comment on their blog to let them know)
Ask the people who you have nominated 11 questions
What is your favourite book, or if that’s too hard, your favourite author?
Wow. This is a tough question. I don’t have one favourite book or author. There are books I love to read time and again: The Shipping News by E. Annie Proulx, The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman, The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, The Chronicles of Faerie series by OR Melling.
Is there a country you have always wanted to visit, if so what is it?
Not one. India. Greek islands, Yorkshire, England where my father’s people farmed, sacred temples in Asia, and lately, I’ve been curious about New Zealand. I always want to visit Ireland and Scotland.
What’s your favourite thing to do?
Wander by water.
When did you start your blog, and are you ever going to abandon it?
This particular blog, I started last summer 2016, I think. I may abandon it someday, but for now, I enjoy the camaraderie between bloggers. I’m always learning something new, meeting new people, and creating. It gives me a focus.
Do you play an instrument?
Yes, I’ve played piano since I was about nine years old. I love to play and sing. I also play guitar. One of the experiences I enjoyed the most was an Irish traditional music workshop in Co. Clare at Boghill Centre! Every evening, we–a group of twelve or thirteen musicians from all over the world–got in the bus with our instruments, set up, and played in local bars all evening. I met such amazing people.
What’s your favourite Social Media site?
Again, I don’t have a favourite. They’re all different, and they all have their purposes. I don’t read the newspaper so usually get my news from Twitter (it’s quite political). I have a Facebook page, and this blog. That’s enough to manage:)
What’s your favourite animal, and do you have a pet?
Horses, dogs, dolphins and whales, wild birds… No pet at the moment. I lost my beautiful dream dog a few years ago and I’m still grieving(:
Can you speak multiple languages, if you can what languages are they?
No. Being a Canadian, I learned some French. I’d love to learn Spanish and Gaelic.
What is your favourite thing about blogging?
Focussing on a thought and then putting the whole thing together with photos. It’s a quick creative moment, as opposed to writing a novel. I also love the interactions between WordPress bloggers. It’s a supportive interactive community!
Which is your favourite season?
Easy. Spring. Now.
Have you ever written a book/story, and what’s called?
Yes. I’ve written a few novels over the years that are sitting in my closet! I am currently writing and publishing the Hollystone Mysteries. To Charm a Killer and To Sleep with Stones are available at all retailers.
Source: Liebster Award!
Nominations: (The Infamous Jennisfora…) (Writing with Style) (Write Thoughts) (Rachel’s Reads)
My Questions:
- If you could live in any culture, in any time, in any place, where would it be?
- What genre(s) do you read?
- Who inspires you?
- Where is your favourite place to write?
- Do you prefer paper or electronics for writing/reading?
- If you could invite four historical characters to a dinner party, who would they be?
- What do you enjoy about blogging?
- Have you ever written a book or a story? What is it called?
- What cuisine do you crave for comfort?
- Do you speak a language or languages other than English?
- What is it about blogging that brings you here?
by Wendy Hawkin | Mar 24, 2017 | journal, writing and publishing
This is a great article on how watching shows on Netflix can make you a better novelist. I totally agree with Andrew Lowe, not just for everything mentioned here, but for genre, history, and hooks. When you can’t turn it off because you just have to know what happens next, you know you’re hooked.
I’m currently watching “The Last Kingdom” (Wessex during the Viking raids) to explore history and how writers approach the cultural differences between tribes. Fascinating.
via 8 TV Shows That Will Make You a Better Novelist • Reedsy
by Wendy Hawkin | Mar 22, 2017 | writing and publishing
A little more Tolkien. Thanks to Kristen Twardowski for this post on a new book and the Tolkien exhibit at the Bodleian Library in Oxford in 2018.
by Wendy Hawkin | Mar 18, 2017 | journal, writing and publishing

I am trying something new. I’ve read about it. I’ve thought about it. And now I’m going to do it. It’s an online book launch through Facebook.
How did I do it?
I set up an event on my Facebook page: WL Hawkin Author Page
Then invited friends. Now, I’m inviting you. Please share this on social media.
The Details:
The event is set for Spring Equinox: Monday March 20, 2017 from 6-8pm Pacific time. I’m hoping that way, some of my friends in the East can come by too.
My Plan:
Being an INFP, I am not very good at rigid time frames and scheduling. I am much more comfortable with feeling my way. So that’s what I’m going to do. I will post every few minutes, and be online to reply to comments and questions. I’ll be launching my latest book, To Sleep with Stones, which goes on sale that day. This is Book Two in the Hollystone Mysteries, the sequel to To Charm a Killer. At the same time, I’ll be celebrating Spring Equinox. During the launch, we will explore locations in Scotland, learn about Hollystone Coven and their spiritual practices, and meet some of the characters. I can talk a little about my research and writing process with this book.
Anyone who comments or asks a question will be included in a random draw for three printed copies of the book. I will give people 24 hours to post, as I know that not everyone can make it to that two-hour Pacific time slot, so I’ll draw at 6pm on Tuesday.
Posts will remain up on my page, so if you miss the event, you can still come by and leave a comment or question.
Please do come by and say hello. Just click here to join the celebration.
Blessings ~Wendy
by Wendy Hawkin | Mar 18, 2017 | writing and publishing
Right now, the Indie Author Fringe event is happening online. This is a FREE conference featuring sessions and speakers. You don’t have to be an independent author to gain from sessions–this is about writing and publishing.
If you can’t attend in this moment, sessions are available later on video. Check out the link below for info on the Fringe.
Also, in celebration of this event, Ingram Spark is waiving their book setup fees for the month of March. If you happen to have a manuscript and cover ready to go, you’re in luck. That’s what happened for me this year.
via Fringe Newcomers: Read This First | Self-Publishing Advice Center
by Wendy Hawkin | Mar 17, 2017 | Ireland, journal, writing and publishing
Here it is St. Patrick’s Day, and me with no words from Faerie. Tragic and ironic, that is. I decided, under the circumstances, it was best to let my Irish witch speak.
This is a scene from To Charm a Killer. Maggie’s just been packed off to Ireland for safe keeping and met up with Primrose, her fey protector. The two girls are lunching at The Quays on Shop Street in Galway. And, wouldn’t I like to be there myself today. Enjoy the memory and the moment. Sláinte.
Primrose whisked off her cap as they settled into one of the wooden snugs and Maggie was startled to see that her shaved head was tattooed in colourful swirling symbols. Seeing her fascination, Primrose bowed forward to reveal the heart of the design—an intricately patterned mandala etched on the top of her skull. Three violet trees with intertwining roots formed the centre, while their branches connected in a circular knot. Between the trees were coiled spirals in emerald green. Another circle of knots wrapped around the first and split near the base of her skull into two trails that merged at the top of her spine.
“That’s amazing. Does it go all the way down your back?”
“Aye, and ends in a serpent’s tail. St. Patrick did not rid Éireann of all the snakes. A few of us survived.”
PS. I just received a beautiful email from a woman who finished reading To Charm a Killer this morning and loved it. My heart sings when I hear such kind and beautiful words. We are all entwined in the same Celtic knot, don’t you think?